Traveling With a Baby For The 1st Time This Summer? Team Rebby Shares Some Tips (From Their Own Personal Experiences)

Traveling With a Baby For The 1st Time This Summer? Team Rebby Shares Some Tips (From Their Own Personal Experiences)

Traveling With a Baby For The 1st Time This Summer? Team Rebby Shares Some Tips (From Their Own Personal Experiences)

Travelling with a baby for the first time can be a revealing experience for both parents and little ones. It's a journey filled with new food, experiences, and sights for the baby, but it can also be overwhelming for parents with unpredictable schedules, lengthy packing lists, and the occasional cranky behaviour.

To help you navigate this exciting but challenging adventure, Team Rebby has put together a list of essential do's and don'ts for travelling with your baby for the first time.

The Do's:

Be Kind to Yourself: Patience is key when travelling with a baby. Prepare yourself mentally for the unexpected, whether it's a crying episode on an airplane or a messy diaper situation. Remember, you can handle it. To tackle on-the-go blowouts, pack an Oops There It Is non-toxic stain remover and Blowout Bag bundle in your diaper bag.

Use Food As An Activity: When boredom strikes, food can become an engaging activity for babies during travel. Pack bite-sized snacks that are easy to carry and not too bulky. Let your little one concentrate on eating when they're tired of books or games. An added benefit is that their mouths will be too full to yell or cry.

Choose Hands-Free: Traveling with a baby requires juggling multiple items, from carry-on luggage to a stroller and diaper bag, not to mention your coffee and the baby itself. Investing in a child carrier and wearing your baby can be a smart choice to free up your hands. Check out some of our favourite carriers available here. 

Capture the Memories: This is a special moment in time, even if it proves challenging at times. You'll cherish these first-time experiences later. Display your favorite pictures from your family adventure using photo frames for great additions to any nursery. 

The Don'ts:

Create Too Rigid of a Schedule: While it's important to stick to eating and sleeping schedules, try to be flexible with everything else. Going with the flow and being prepared for a shifting schedule will alleviate pressure and stress. A travel stroller that reclines deeply can allow your little one to doze off on the go, and a low-effort food prep system will help you prepare delicious meals for the journey.

Overpack: Avoid a bad packing strategy that may limit your enjoyment during the family vacation. Research the available gear and laundry facilities at your destination, as well as the expected weather conditions, to pack strategically. A well-designed diaper bag from Rebby's collection can also make your life easier. 

Forget to Bring Enough Wipes and Hand Sanitizer: Quick and effective cleaning routines are essential when feeding your baby, getting comfortable, or handling fallen toys. Ensure you have an ample supply of wipes and hand sanitizer to make your journey smoother and germ-free. 

Overthink It: If you want to embark on this journey, just go for it! Remember, you will be fine, and you will reach your destination. Give yourself extra time, plan as much as possible, and then enjoy the travel experience as much as the destination itself. For added preparedness, explore the Travel Essentials collection by Team Rebby.

Traveling with a baby for the first time is an adventure that can be both rewarding and challenging. By following these do's and don'ts, you'll be better equipped to handle the journey, create beautiful memories, and enjoy the experience with your little one.

Bon voyage!

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