Summer and Real Flock Talk on the Best Baby Gear for the Season
Summer and Real Flock Talk on the Best Baby Gear for the Season
Summer is here! Well, almost. But the early bird gets the worm, and in this case, the worm is the top baby gear for Summer; and we’re here to deliver a whole lot! Thanks to our Flock, we were able to get real parents’ perspectives and input on what they need for summer and build the best Summer Shop focused on just that. Summer is such a short season so being mindful of what you need and how much you spend is what we heard repeatedly.

A piece of expert advice that stood out among our Flock’s summer tips was not to break the bank over seasonal items. Because while these summer items amount to hours of fun for your baby, toddlers and kids, it’s important to remember that with each changing season, comes change. Change of age, change of interests, and well… just change. We’d love for our kids to play in their playard forever or on their swing for years to come, but there will come a time when they outgrow these “of the moment” items, sooner than we often imagine. Recognizing this, it only makes sense to consider buying second-hand, overstock or open box. Save the cost without sacrificing the quality.
With this expert advice in mind and our Flock parents’ top gear needs, we are excited to share our Summer Shop that will have items for all the babies, toddlers and kids in your life. Check out the real Flock talk below so that as things heat up, you’re ready for your family’s best summer yet!
Team Rebby Asked: How do you change up your gear from winter to summer?
Time to wipe the sludge off your stroller wheels, put away the bunting bags and covers, and finally soak in some sun. Our Flock shared that one of their favourite ways to change up their gear from winter to summer is by bringing out those much-loved items that our kids use to get around on their own. What do kids love more than a little independence?
Our Summer Shop is full of gear for every age and stage. For the younger ones, tricycles and balance bikes make great options for getting around, while also giving them great opportunities to grow their gross motor skills. For the older kids, bikes and scooters are timeless favourites for family outings, long or short.
Team Rebby Asked: What is the best way to take advantage of a beautiful summer day?
Our Flock was quick to let us know that the best way to soak in the sun on a beautiful summer morning or afternoon is by planning fun-filled family day trips! Is there anything more exciting for kids than heading out for the day to the zoo, beach or park?

Day trips also mean lots of packing for parents: lunches, snacks, change of clothes, extra layers, towels, swimsuits, toys, sunscreen, and everything else in between. To help ease the load for day trips, we’ve packed our Summer Shop with everything you need. From the ample space on wagons and bike trailers, the versatility of a baby carrier, to keeping your little ones safe from the sun with UV tents, you’ll find all your day trips needs in our one-stop-summer-shop.
Team Rebby Asked: What is your most used summer item?
While there is so much amazing baby gear out there, the majority of our Flock parents found two items to be their most used in the springtime: baby carriers, playards and UV tents. These three items kept coming out on top as they are extremely versatile and great for so many different spring activities.
Baby carriers are a great option for parents of little ones to toddlers as it gives parents the freedom to do whatever, wherever. Whether it’s hiking up the trail, walking across the beach, or strolling through the mall, baby carriers are the “do all” item of the season. Many babies even love taking their naps in the carrier, making it ideal for day trips.
Playards or UV Tents are also ideal for summer as they can be used for so many different reasons. Heading to the park or beach? Grab the playard for a way to keep babies safe in one spot, covered from the sun, or to take a cozy nap. Headed out somewhere overnight? Many play yards double as travel beds, making it easy to hop from hotels to the grandparent’s house.
Team Rebby Asked: What is the summer item your kids spent the most time using?

From the moment our kids can sit up, they love exploring the world with their hands; which is why these two items get top votes from parents: sandboxes and water toys.
Kids of all ages can spend endless hours in their sandbox, from just feeling the texture to building the sandcastle of their dreams. Water toys, including pools and water tables, are also a timeless favourite and are guaranteed to have kids squealing with joy! You can find both of these in our specially curated Summer Shop.
Team Rebby Asked: It’s an at-home date night for parents; what’s the best way to get the kids ready for an early snooze?
Looking to finally sneak in some me-time (or we-time) for yourselves after a long day of entertaining the little ones? Help dispense a little extra of their energy and prep them for an early bedtime with toys that provide great exercise, without them even realizing it because they’re too busy having fun!
We’ve filled our shop with toys the kids can’t get enough of, including trampolines, bouncy castles, scooters, bikes and playmats for the tiny ones. After a day of running, jumping and playing around with this gear, the kids will be asking you when they can go to bed! Hop on