Baby On Board!
Baby On Board!
It can be overwhelming to shop for baby gear your child will spend a lot of time living in. A car seat is among the most important items to keep your child safe and comfy, but the purchase process can feel very much like buying the car itself.

Rebelstork specializes in open box and overstock car seats but we’re not in the business of selling secondhand car seats — and with good reason. There are so many warnings about car seats because you can never really be sure where they’ve been. For example, they may have lived through an accident or even expired (yes, expiration dates are real).
What we do carry are the best brands in all stages of your baby’s life. Infant car seats, Convertible car seats and Booster car seats in the form of open box and overstock – which means the products were never used or even touched, then sent back to the store as a return for reasons such as colour, style or simply the wrong order, ultimately becoming a mega deal for you.
Shop infant car seats An infant car seat is just that: a seat specially made for infants and babies. Five-point harness seats always face the rear of the car and must attach to a base that stays installed in your car. The seat clicks in and out, and it’s easy to get your baby in and out as well.
Shop convertible car seats One-and-done convertible car seats grow with your baby, so you don’t need to buy another as they become a toddler up to 65 lbs. Most have a lifespan of 10 years, so instead of buying three different seats as your child grows, you’ll be set. These wonders transform from rear-facing to forward-facing, then to booster seats.
Shop booster car seats Made for kids at least four years of age weighing 40 pounds or more, boosters boost your child up higher in the car seat. They ensure your car’s regular lap and shoulder belts still cross over your child’s body at the correct points to securely hold them.

And the latest trend and innovation is the Convertible “swivel” car seats which make getting your child in and out so much easier than the days of yore. They rotate 180 to 360 degrees with the push of a button, spinning at the base. We love them because they easily go from rear-facing to forward-facing to eliminate that awkward reach and make it more likely for parents to remember to rear-face their child. We do carry Swivel car seats but they go fast, so make sure to check back frequently if that is the one on your list.
If you’ve already begun your car seat research, you know there are a ton of options and information about these three styles that don’t quite make the purchase process any easier. Here’s what we’ve learned as new parents and now know for sure:
- Always avoid used car seats because you cannot be certain about the seat's history.
- You can ask other moms and dads for their car seat recommendations, but no one model is superior. For it to be best for you, it will need to fit your child's size, be correctly installed, fit inside your vehicle, and be intelligently operated every time you drive.
- Not every car seat fits well in every car, which means yours may not install safely in your vehicle. This is one of the few times shopping in-person has its benefits. Find a store in your area that will allow you to test out the car seat in your car before purchasing.
- Technology and manufacturing continue to improve in leaps and bounds in terms of ease and convenience.
- Every province has different child restraint laws. Make sure you know what the law is in your province.
- Don’t skip the manufacturer’s website or the manual; don’t be afraid to contact the company with any questions or concerns. Make an effort to learn how the seat is supposed to work the same way that you would a new smartphone.
- There are child car seat inspection stations across North America and these certified technicians can install your car seat or make sure that you installed it properly.
- In a cruel twist, car seats can be dangerous after they expire. Manufacturing standards change, technology improves and plastic can weaken over time in the heat. You can find most expiration dates on the bottom or side of car seats (most expire seven to eight years after the manufacture date but check with the manufacturer for certainty). Some hospitals will check your expiration date before letting your newborn go home with you.
Ready to find the perfect car seat at the best price? Check out our assortment – with drops daily. Like every marketplace, items go quickly so don’t wait if you see the one you want.
Enjoy #ParentingLighter and don’t forget to #RebelstorkIt